Why I Might Just Be Your Knight in Shining Armor!

Knight in Shining Armor - Why I Might Be Your Knight in Shining Armor - Mass Interior DesignWhy I Might Just Be Your Knight in Shining Armor!

How to Make Your Home Your Soul Mate!

If you’ve been wandering around your house wondering when someone will swoop in and save it, hoping for a knight in shining armor to come to its rescue, I might just be that knight!

I met with a new client last week.
She loves her house.
She loves everything she has in it, BUT it still doesn’t feel right.
It still isn’t her perfect match (if we’re continuing the sole mate analogy).

You know when you meet someone and you like them, but they’re not setting your world on fire?
They’re nice enough but they don’t make your heart go pitter-patter.
That’s what her house is like.
It’s ok. She likes it. But, it isn’t ‘right’.
It isn’t her soul mate.

That’s where I come into the story.

I asked her a whole bunch of questions, about her life, her family, her hobbies, her travel, her home, her likes, her dislikes, everything.
I took a little time to get to know her, not just jump into a relationship.

We’re taking it slow. A good relationship takes a little time after all.

But, once we build on that, really get to know each other and understand each other, it’ll be love, of her home. What were you thinking? 😉
She’ll love her home!

That’s what it’s all about.

I want everyone to LOVE their home!
I want you to walk in your front door and feel an enormous sense of comfort and relief. I want you to let out a deep breath, take off your shoes, throw on your sweats, put in a ponytail and relax in the best way possible!
That’s how HOME should feel, comforting and relaxing, just like a great relationship!
What if you walked in and there was a perfect spot for your keys, you knew exactly where your shoes went and you could easily hang up your coat in it’s own spot?

What if you went into your kitchen to cook dinner and everything you needed was in it’s own, organized spot, in easy reach?
What if when you served dinner it was at a cozy table with plenty of room for the whole family?

What if after dinner your whole family sank into a comfy sofa, grabbed a soft throw and laid back on a fluffy pillow to watch your favorite show together?

What if when that show was over you went into your newly tiled bathroom and washed your face in your beautiful porcelain sink and dried it with a thick, soft towel, as you got ready for bed?

And what if after a long day you crawled into your silky smooth sheets in your beautiful, comfortable new bed?

You can!

Your HOME soul mate is just waiting to come out!
And I know how to bring it out!

It’s not just about money.
It’s about figuring out exactly what you’re looking for in a home (soul mate).
What do you want your home to feel like?
What would be best for you and your family?
How do you want it to feel?
How do you want it to function?

Let’s get to the heart of it.
Let’s figure it out.
Life is too short to be uncomfortable in your own home.

Please leave a comment below and let me know what you LOVE about your home.

And head over to the Details Facebook page and join in on our conversation!

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