Shop Like a Designer - 5 Tips for Shopping Like a Pro
Shop Like a Designer - Interior Design MA - Details Full Service Interiors

Shop Like a Designer

5 Tips for Shopping Like a Pro

If I’m being honest I’ve always loved to shop, even before I was a designer.
And, now that I am an interior designer, it’s a good think I love to shop because I do a lot of it!
So if anyone knows how to get the most bang for your buck and how to pick the best pieces for you and your family, it’s me! So what are my secrets?
Here are my top tips for shopping like it’s your living!

Shop Like a Designer - Interior Design MA - Details Full Service Interiors

Always have pics of your room, a floorplan, and all of your measurements with you!
I keep them right in my Notes section on my phone. And, always have a little tape measure in your purse.
You don’t want to be standing in a store staring at a sofa wondering if it’ll fit in your living room. You could risk missing out on the piece altogether!

Make sure you’re buying quality
Know your stuff. Be aware of the characteristics of good quality furniture, like dovetail construction, etc. so that you’re not wasting money of junk that’ll need to be replaced next year. Pay attention to the fabric quality. Cheap fabric can really make an item look, just that, cheap. If you’re shopping for a specific item, do a little research on what qualities you should be looking for in that item.

Buying Quality Furniture - Interior Design Mass - Details Full Service Interiors

Don’t be wishy washy!
Often clients hire me because they have trouble making decisions. If I had trouble making decisions then I wouldn’t be able to do this job. Follow your gut! You have to love the piece in order to buy it. There are a million sofas in the world. If you don’t love the one you’re looking at, move on until you find one that speaks to you. If you’re going back and forth and you’re not sure, then it probably isn’t the right one. But, once you see one you love, buy it!

Follow Your Gut  - Massachusetts Interior Design - Details Full Service Interiors

Take your time and really focus
When you’re at a flea market or even in HomeGoods it can be totally overwhelming. Make sure you are well rested and you’ve eaten. Then slowly stroll through the space, taking the time to focus on each item.  Quickly scanning these kinds of places will not work. You need to hone in and look at each item individually. If you go too fast you will definitely miss some treasures tucked in the back or down low. Take your time.

Flea Market Shopping - MA Interior Design - Details Full Service Interiors

Don’t pass over items just because they’re quirky
Every room needs a little bit of whimsy. You need to add your personality into your space. Unique items that not everybody is going to love will do this for you. Remember you’re decorating for you and your family, not for everyone else. So go ahead and buy that bright orange tchotchke, get the cute little birds, they’ll add a bit of YOU in your space! #DecorateWithWhatMakesYouHappy

Add Personality - Interior Design Monson - Details Full Service Interiors

If you’re one of those people who just hates shopping, did you know that you can hire me to shop for you?
Yup, if your room just needs a little jooge (is that how you spell that?) up, it needs some spunk, some accessories, I can find just the right items and arrange them in your home to create the perfect, well accessorized, comfortable space, just for YOU! Check out the Just the Details service –

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