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5 Easy Ways to Freshen Up Your Home For Spring - Details Interiors - Interior Design

5 Easy Ways to Freshen Up Your Home For Spring

Bright living room - Wendy Woloschchuk - Interior Design - Details Interiors - Monson, Mass

I know I had a post just a few weeks ago that said “it’s finally spring!” Well… inevitably the next day, on Easter, it actually snowed at our house in Western Massachusetts. But, hopefully that was the last time for this year! So, I thought I would share with you 5 easy ways to freshen up your home for spring.

Living Room Remodel - Wendy Woloshchuk - Interior Design in Western Massachusetts

The number one tip, and it’s not actually interior design but it makes such a huge difference, is to wash your windows. Inside and out! You may be looking at your windows and thinking “my windows aren’t dirty,” but guess what… you would be amazed at how much brighter it is in your house after you wash the windows both inside and out! So, for washing your windows inside I always use a squeegee. Then on the outside because I can’t reach all the windows outside of my house and you probably can’t either, I use the windex outdoor window cleaner that attaches to your hose. You spray it on and then you let it sit. Then you rinse with water! Super easy but it does a pretty good job.

Painted Front Door - Interior Decorator

My number two way to freshen up for spring is to paint your front door. I can’t tell you how many colors my front door has been since we moved in here but I would venture to guess at least four or five different colors. So a bright new fun front door color really freshens up the outside of your house.

Fresh Flowers by Sink - Wendy Woloshchuk - Monson, Mass

If you’re like me and you live in the northeast it may be too cold to have a whole bunch of flowers outside. I have a few daffodils out there but that is about it. So bring some flowers inside. I know a couple of weeks ago it was my anniversary and my husband brought home some tulips, which happens to be my favorite, but just having those inside in my family room brightened up the room. It also made it feel fresher!

Declutter Challenge Calendar and Booklet - Wendy Woloschchuk - Details Interiors - Interior Design Near Me

Number four is to declutter. I know we’ve talked on here a bunch of times about the declutter challenge and why decluttering your home makes it feel better but, it really does it makes it feel so much better when you get rid of the clutter! I was just watching the home edit, the second season out on Netflix, so if you need to be inspired in order to do that then watch that show! We also have an ebook all about the declutter challenge which is one task per day for a month. Obviously the weekend tasks are a little bit longer than the weekday tasks but it is one task per day for a month to declutter your whole house.

Painted Furniture - Wendy Woloshchuk - Interior Design - Details Interiors

The fifth tip is to paint a piece of furniture. If you have an old sideboard or even just an old wooden chair a new coat of paint will do wonders. A few years ago, I was looking for something for the corner of my living room and I went to the flea market. I just bought an old chair for around $10 and painted it a bright fun color, put some new fabric on the seat, and in the corner of my living room. It freshened up the whole room!

Fun guest bedroom - Interior Decorator in Massachusetts

If you would like more tips to freshen up your home for spring, we have a tip sheet on our website. I’ll link it HERE. There is a whole tab of e-books and tip sheets and there is one on there that is 10 Ways to Easily Freshen Up Your Home For Spring. If you’re still not sure what to do give us a call and we can chat about your options and answer any questions that you may have.

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5 Easy Ways to Freshen Up Your Home For Spring - Details Interiors - Interior Decorator

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