How to Arrange Your Family Room or Living Room - Arrange Your Furniture Like a PRO
How to arrange your furniture like a pro - Details Full Service Interiors

How to arrange your furniture like a pro - Details Full Service Interiors

How to Arrange Your Family Room or Living Room

Arrange Your Furniture Like a PRO

How to arrange the furniture in your living room or family room can be a confusing task.
It doesn’t have to be if you follow these easy furniture arrangement tips.

Choose a focal point
Whether it’s your tv, a fireplace or even a window with a beautiful view, choose what you’d like to be the focal point of the room.
Once you’ve decided on your focal point, you want your furniture arrangement to be facing that.
People sometimes struggle with whether the focal point should be the tv or the fireplace. I say it can be both.
If you want the fireplace AND the tv to be equal focal points, you do have a few options. You can hang your tv above your fireplace.

Choose a focal point when arranging furniture - Details Full Service Interiors - Monson Interior Decorating

Choose the fire place as your focal point - Details Full Service Interiors - MA Interior Designer

You can arrange your furniture facing each other and have the fireplace at one end and the tv at the other.

Arrange your Furniture Facing Each other - Details Full Service Interiors - Monson Interior Design

Or, you can place your tv right next to the fireplace so that the furniture can be facing both of them.

Put your tv next to your fireplace - Details Full Service Interiors

Put your tv next to your fireplace - Details Full Service Interiors - Massachusetts Interior Design

Arrange your furniture in conversational groups
You want people to be able to sit on your furniture and be able to comfortably speak to each other without yelling.
Place your furniture so that it faces each other and is close enough to each other so that people on the sofa can chat with someone in the chair.
If need be you CAN pull furniture in away from the wall. You can always add a sofa table between the sofa and the wall if need be. And, an area rug can anchor the furniture in a seating arrangement.
If you are trying to figure out what size area rug to buy there’s a Free Tip Sheet for that HERE (Link to Tip Sheets tab)

Arrnage your furniture in conversational groups - Details Full Service Interiors - Monson Interior Designer

Break up a long, narrow room
If you have a long narrow room you’ll need to create 2 or 3 seating arrangements, depending on the length of the room.
You can anchor each space, again, with an area rug.
If you need to figure out what size area rug to buy there are 2 blog posts about that.

Create a tv viewing arrangement at one end and then maybe a reading area at the other, or a game playing area at the other end.
If you need more help with this there happens to be a Free Tip Sheet HERE

Break up a long narrow room - Details Full Service Interiors - Monson Interior Decorator

You really do need a coffee table
I can’t tell you how many houses I go into that don’t have a coffee table.
I’ve asked them why. Their answer is always the same, they didn’t think of it.
So, I’m telling you. You need a coffee table. It helps to create that conversation area. It should be 18-24” from the front of your furniture.
We went over how to know what size coffee table to buy back in this blog –

Fill up any overly obvious empty corners
Once you’ve arranged your furniture there may be a corner or two that are obviously too empty. Here are 2 tricks that can help that.
If you have enough space you can place a chair and a little side table in the corner. It could become the perfect reading nook. NOTE – this chair does not need to be close enough to the conversation area furniture arrangement. If it needs to be pulled in temporarily at any time it can be.

Fill up any overlay obvious empty corners - Details Full Service Interiors - MA Interior Decorator

Or, tall plants always come in handy. They fill up empty corners. And, they add texture and life.

If you still need some help putting your room together you can pick up our free eBook Decorate Like a Pro – 7 Steps to a Beautiful Room – HERE
There will also be 5 corresponding videos from our Facebook LIVE show, The Daily Details. You can view them on this page at the end of this week or always on our Facebook page – and go to the videos tab.


  1. All of us can go out and buy furniture. However, it is a bit more difficult to arrange that furniture in a way that is accommodating to all. In my home, my living room is long and narrow so I’ll probably follow what you have here for those types of rooms.

  2. Amazing! All your ideas are so fantastic and beautiful. I really like all your ideas for arranging your family room properly. Your designs are so nice and perfect especially the 3rd one. I really liked your Tips and ideas for maintaining our living room. Thank you so much for this blog and I am looking forward to another of your blog. Keep up the good work.

  3. I love to read this type of interior designing (home and office decor) blogs. It’s really very interesting to read. After reading this blog, I get to know about the unique ways to arrange my home furniture. Thanks for sharing such an informative post.

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