Create Your Dream Home by Asking Yourself These 4 Questions!
Create Your Dream Home - Interior Design in Mass

Create Your Dream Home by Asking Yourself These 4 Questions!

Create Your Dream Home - Interior Design in Mass

I know you’re watching HGTV and scrolling through Pinterest, admiring all of the amazing home decorating ideas and dreaming about your home looking like that. But, when you look around your home you’re not satisfied. You don’t know where to start. You don’t know what to do to create a space that feels like your dream home.
There are four questions I ask at every Consultation, that you can ask yourself, in order to get the design ball rolling.

  1. What do you want to use the room for? It’s important to think about exactly what the room is going to be used for. Just because a house plan says that a certain room is a formal living room doesn’t mean you have to use it for a formal living room. Maybe you aren’t a formal type of family. Then why have a formal living room? That’s silly. I know a certain family (not naming names) that uses their dining room as a poolroom! Take a few minutes and think about how your family lives and what you could use every space in your house for. Do your kids need a craft space? Do you want a fabulous dining room to throw dinner parties in? What does your family need?


Red Dining Room - Interior Design in Western MA

  1. What are your favorite travel destinations?
    Your travel destinations really tell a lot about you. If you love the beach, you may like a lighter, airier feel to your home. If you love camping or the mountains, maybe you’d like a more earthy, warm feel to your home.  If Europe is your favorite destination then maybe you want a more formal feel to your home. Take a moment and think about your favorite vacation. What did you love about it? What were the dominant colors there? Now you have a color palette to start with for your home. Think about how you felt when you were there. Imagine having that same feeling every day in your own home?


Beachy Living Room - Interior Design in MA

  1. What’s the most popular color in your closet? When you open your closet what color is most prevalent?
    If you love to wear black, you should probably have some black in your rooms. If you love pastels, then why not add some pastels to your rooms? Colors that you love to wear are probably colors that you actually really like. Incorporate them into your home décor as well.


Adding Color To Your Home - Interior Design in Monson

  1. The last thing I always ask a client is for them to show me something in their home that they LOVE.
    It could be a piece of furniture or an accessory. And then I ask them what they love about it. Do they love the color, the shape, or the feel? This really tells me a lot about their style. If the item has a traditional feel then I know they like a more traditional style. If the item is very simple, with a clean line then I know they like a more modern look. Take a few minutes and find a piece in your home that really speaks to you. What do you love about it? Then use that piece to start creating your dream home.


Orange Pillows - Interior Design in Massachusetts


And, just like that, you have a plan for creating your dream home!
You know what you want to use each room for.
You have a color palette.
You know what items you’ll keep and work with and what items you need to replace.
And, you know what kind of items to replace it with (hint – items that have the same feel as the item you love and in the color palette you love!)
Take a look around your home and REALLY assess what you own. What do you LOVE?
What do those items say about you?
Start to edit down, keeping only what you love and replacing what you don’t.  You can do this little by little over time or as your budget allows.

Your dream home awaits!

If you’re still stuck let’s get together and go through these questions in person. Scheduling a Consultation is easy. Simply go to the Services page and fill out the form –

I’d love to help you create your dream home!

Wendy Woloshchuk Decorating - Interior Design In Western Mass

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